Education Applications & Developments IX


Mafalda Carmo


In this ninth volume, a dedicated set of authors explore the Education field, contributing to the frontlines of knowledge. Success depends on the participation of those who wish to find creative solutions and believe their potential to change the world, altogether to increase public engagement and cooperation from communities. Part of our mission is to serve society with these initiatives and promote knowledge, therefore it requires the reinforcement of research efforts, education and science and cooperation between the most diverse studies and backgrounds.

The contents of this 9th edition bring us to the most broadening issues in contemporary research on Education. This book explores four major areas within the broad spectrum of Education, corresponding to four sections: “Teachers and Students”, “Projects and Trends”, “Teachers and Learning”, and “Organizational Issues”. Each section comprises chapters that have emerged from extended and peer reviewed selected papers, originally published last year in the proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Developments (END 2023) conference series ( This meeting occurs annually always with successful outcomes. Original papers have been selected and the authors were invited to extend and to submit them to a new evaluation’s process. Afterwards the authors of the accepted chapters were requested to make the necessary corrections and improve the final submitted chapters. This process has resulted in the final publication of 36 high quality chapters.


  • Chapter 1 - Educational strategies in sustainability economics - Empowering change through education (Pages 3-18)
    Maria Luísa Vasconcelos & Sandra Bernardo
  • Chapter 2 - The contribution of morphological awareness to reading comprehension in Arabic (Pages 19-34)
    Bahaa' Makhoul & Vered Vaknin-Nusbaum
  • Chapter 3 - The digital age of assessments – National benchmark test reconfigured to online platform (Pages 35-48)
    Naziema Jappie & Ashley Van Niekerk
  • Chapter 4 - The art and science of assessment – Connecting classroom-based speaking assessments to teachers’ practice (Pages 49-66)
    Rúben Constantino Correia
  • Chapter 5 - Computer gaming and academic learning – Targeting the role of esport in school (Pages 67-78)
    Björn Sjödén & Michael Trotter
  • Chapter 6 - Assessing compliance with bloom's taxonomy: An examination of summative assessment papers for final year b-ed students (Pages 79-87)
    Mokete Letuka
  • Chapter 7 - RTI tier 2 executive function program for 1st grade Brazilian schoolchildren (Pages 88-99)
    Graziele Kerges-Alcantara & Simone Aparecida Capellini
  • Chapter 8 - The transition from concrete to formal thinking (Pages 100-112)
    Ghada Wattad & David Chen
  • Chapter 9 - Educating third culture kids and cross culture kids: Students with hidden and apparent diversity (Pages 113-120)
    Patricia A. Stokke
  • Chapter 10 - Contemporary art methods in teaching visual arts (Pages 121-133)
    Marija Brajčić & Dubravka Kuščević
  • Chapter 11 - Mentors’ competence development to support novice teachers: Cross analyzing two mentoring context (Pages 134-146)
    Julie Courcy, Nathalie Gagnon, & Andréanne Gagné
  • Chapter 12 - Emergent literacy stimulation in initial years of literacy (Pages 147-155)
    Caroline Fernandes Brasil, Luana Baron Scollo, & Simone Aparecida Capellini
  • Chapter 13 - Abelian groups and what student teachers should learn for teaching algebra (Pages 159-168)
    Natalia Karlsson & Wiggo Kilborn
  • Chapter 14 - What are the models of courses in academic teaching in Slovakia? - Document analysis and the survey of lecturers’ opinions (Pages 169-182)
    Tímea Šeben Zaťková
  • Chapter 15 - Student teachers behaving badly: Teachers’ perceptions of student teachers’ misbehaviour during teaching practice (Pages 183-194)
    Jaysveree M. Louw
  • Chapter 16 - Online quizzes for content consolidation in higher education: A comparative study in tourism degrees (Pages 195-206)
    Sónia Pais, Laura Chagas, & Ana Pires
  • Chapter 17 - Positive digital learning: Challenges and path forward for educators (Pages 207-222)
    Dimitra Pappa, Jan Pawlowski, Kati Clements, & Sofoklis Sotiriou
  • Chapter 18 - Innovating teacher education through rural educational contexts: New possibilities in teaching and learning (Pages 223-233)
    J. Spencer Clark, Eileen M. Wertzberger, & Nooshin Darvishinia
  • Chapter 19 - Analysing the extent to which student teachers implement their lesson design during teaching practice (Pages 234-244)
    Mokete Letuka & Paseka Patric Mollo
  • Chapter 20 - Utilising social network analysis skills to meet pediatric palliative care needs in South Africa (Pages 245-258)
    Rika Swanzen
  • Chapter 21 - The information designer role on health education: Participatory methodologies to citizen empowerment (Pages 259-270)
    Mónica Santos & Suzana Dias
  • Chapter 22 - What difference does a social practice approach to adult literacies education make to adult learners’ quality of life in western Rwanda? (Pages 271-283)
    Peter Mtika, Pamela Abbott, Wenceslas Nzabalirwa, & Ismael K Byaruhanga
  • Chapter 23 - Analysing information and communication technology (ICT) skills of Setswana student teachers at a university of technology in South Africa (Pages 284-293)
    Bridget Kesaobaka Mangwegape & Paseka Patric Mollo
  • Chapter 24 - The ‘third space’, where everyday and formal writing practices meet (Pages 294-303)
    Paolo Sorzio & Caterina Bembich
  • Chapter 25 - Integrating science in religious education using an argument-based inquiry approach in Kampala Ismaili secondary classroom (Pages 307-314)
    Bilquis Hamid
  • Chapter 26 - Conceptual transition in students’ learning from arithmetic to an algebraic context: A conceptual way from rational numbers to rational equations (Pages 315-324)
    Natalia Karlsson & Wiggo Kilborn
  • Chapter 27 - Immersive virtual reality and artificial intelligence to prepare students for clinical examinations: Definitions and application (Pages 325-336)
    Brendan Concannon & Shaniff Esmail
  • Chapter 28 - The MelArete project to foster children’s ethical development: From theory to practice (Pages 337-346)
    Luigina Mortari & Federica Valbusa
  • Chapter 29 - Oral reading fluency measures for educational monitoring (Pages 347-356)
    Maíra Anelli Martins, Noemi Del Bianco, Ilària D’Angelo, Catia Giaconi, & Simone Aparecida Capellini
  • Chapter 30 - Auditory and language processing disorder: A case study (Pages 357-367)
    Fabio Corsi & Ivan Traina
  • Chapter 31 - Eco-political rule awareness in childhood (Pages 368-378)
    Gudrun Marci-Boehncke, Matthias O. Rath, & Madeleine Rusch
  • Chapter 32 - Bullying as driver of low mathematics and science achievement in South African schools in a challenged context (Pages 381-392)
    Marien Alet Graham
  • Chapter 33 - The effect of entrepreneurial leadership on teacher job satisfaction: The mediating effect of professional development, teacher-student relations and teamwork (Pages 393-408)
    Devorah Eden & Ido Liberman
  • Chapter 34 - Transformation in school leadership: voices of female leaders (Pages 409-415)
    Samantha Kriger & Sinobia Kenny
  • Chapter 35 - Using the results of problem-solving simulations to improve group learning (Pages 416-426)
    Alexander Pojarliev
  • Chapter 36 - Learning about heritage and identity through engraving and printing - Artistic mediation workshops for students in Tomé, Chile (Pages 427-435)
    Jessica Castillo-Inostroza
June 1, 2024